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Teddy Bear's Hospital Picnic Day

  • Warwick Teaching Centre Gibbet Hill Campus CV4 7AL (map)

Come along for a day of fun as we learn about first aid, healthy eating and looking after ourselves!

The day will include many different interactive activities including plaster cast play and bandaging, healthy eating tools and medical imaging for the teddy bears. Designed for children aged 4-11, this day will introduce your child to healthcare, and may even help them feel less afraid when they encounter healthcare settings in the future.

Parents/ guardians are welcome to stay during the day or alternatively someone can drop the children off and pick up again at the end of the day

All the children need to bring with them is:

  • A Teddy Bear (preferably one they won’t mind getting a little messy)

  • A packed lunch (please note, there will be no access to hot water during the day)

The day is run by Warwick Medical School students. All volunteers are DBS checked, with committee members having additional safeguarding training and a safeguarding lead, first aid lead and joint welfare leads to ensure smooth running of the event.

8 July

The Flame of Friendship Finale