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City of Culture Impact Webinar

Webinar: Civic, Cultural and Business Partnerships (City Of Culture)

What impact did the Coventry UK City of Culture 2021 title have on civic, cultural and business partnerships within the city and beyond?

How did the title contribute to the development and sustainability of these partnerships?

What should organisers of future events consider in relation to partnership development and sustainability in this context?


Vishalakshi Roy

Heidi Ashton

David Wright

Johnathan Vickery

The research team was based across The Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies, University of Warwick.


To address specific Outcomes listed within the Theory/Story of Change, the Coventry City of Culture Trust commissioned four focus studies and this formed one of the four studies.

The study included participants, existing networks and communities of practice relating to Coventry’s civic, cultural and business life, which preceded UK CoC 2021, and which might also be expected to extend beyond it.

• One strand worked with the British Council, as a civic body, and its developing relationships, networks and activities in the city during the year of cultural activity.

Coventry Biennial, provided a second strand with details of the effect of the UK CoC 2021 title on the 2021 festival and its impact on networks and vision for the future.

• A third strand involved working with two business entities in the city − Coventry BID and Fargo Village − to understand the impact on, and compare the experiences of their business communities.

The findings tell an unfolding ‘insider’ story of the expectations, experiences and effects of the programme on partnerships and its role in re-imagining the future of Coventry.

Research Question

What effect has the title of UK City of Culture had on civic, cultural and business partnership co-working and to what extent can these partnerships be sustainable?

A report will be added to the Civic, Cultural and Business Partnerships focus study page shortly that will provide an overview of findings and conclusions.


This webinar was organised by The Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies, University of Warwick with Warwick Institute of Engagement

It is part of the monitoring and evaluation team‘s programme of reflective Coventry UK City of Culture 2021 events.

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